Eco-week has finished at MSU!
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Eco-week was held at Moscow State University from 17 to 25 of September 2022. It brought together various student organisations from Moscow University and the universities of the Vernadsky Science and Education Consortia!
The following events were organised in Moscow State University:
- Eco-swap, a university-wide book and plant exchange event in the academic buildings and dormitories of MSU. During the two days of the Eco-swap students and professors from different faculties exchanged about 500 books and 50 plants! The event was organised by the Students' Union, the Students' Council, the USC and the MSU SDG Hub!
- The game “Eco-Azbuka” was played by 9 teams from different faculties: the Faculty of Geography, The Higher School of State Audit, and the Faculty of Soil Science. Winners and awardees got memorable prizes from the RGS Youth Club and the Vorobyovy Gory Eco-Campus!
- The book club from the SSS of the Faculty of Soil Science has started! Students from different faculties are welcome to discuss ecological books and networking. Link:
- The "Lomonosov divides" campaign of the MSU Eco-guild. The amount of recyclables handed in this time amounted to more than 1.7 tonnes!
In mixed format were held:
- All-Russian ecological conference "ESG: pushing the boundaries". Recording of the plenary sessions with interesting speakers are available in the group
- A workshop on volunteering held by the Vorobyovy Gory eco-campus team. An eco-volunteering school will be held in November - stay tuned!
Some Eco-week events were held remotely, and students of the All-Russian Student Club "Vernadsky" joined in:
- Co-working Session "Best Practices of Vernadsky NOC Eco-Organisations". The best practices of university student organizations in the eco-direction will be included in the methodological materials of the Vorobyovy Gory Eco-Campus project!
- A co-working session "Interdisciplinary Research in Ecology for Socio-Economic Development of Regions" from the Moscow State University SSS and the All-Russian Club "Vernadsky". Students of Tambov State Technical University and Togliatti State University also shared their interdisciplinary projects.
- Sustainability quiz from MSU SDG Hub. And today they are holding a "sustainable debate" in honour of the SDG birthday:
- "Green Talk" discussion evenings were held for the dorm students, organised by the eco-committee of the Student Council, USC and the MSU Student Union. Students discussed eco-lifestyle, recycling, and eco-education in the dormitories.
The competition "Eco-initiative: On the Way to Change" was launched, where student teams can propose an eco-initiative for their university and receive support for its implementation! A workshop with an expert on how to apply for the competition is available at:
The MSU SSS summed up the results of the giveaway of the book "How to Save the Planet" by Tony Juniper.
The results of Eco-week and plans for the development of the environmental agenda at universities were discussed by representatives of MSU student organisations at a meeting on Saturday. We thank everyone for organizing such an interesting environmental platform for young people!
The Eco-week was held on September 17-25 by the student organizations of Moscow State University and the Russian Student Club "Vernadsky" with the grant support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The Eco-week website:
#MSU #EcoWeekMSU #EcocampusMSU #EcoInitiative MSU #Preserve_Nature #VSK_Vernadsky #RosmolodezhGrants #Minobrnauka