The Department for Talented Youth Affairs

International Student competition "Planet of the Future"

International Student competition "Planet of the Future"

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The Student Union of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the All-Russian Student Club Vernadsky, with the grant support of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs Rosmolodezh, are holding an international student competition "Planet of the Future" and an International Autumn School!

The winners of the Competition will take part in the International Autumn School "Planet of the Future" in Krasnovidovo, November 4-6, 2022.

·       The language of the event: Russian, English.

·       The event will be held in face-to-face and distance formats.

The competition will be held in two stages:

1. Qualifying – October 15, 2022.

2. The main one is October 16, 2022.

The competition is held in five nominations, each of which involves solving one of the urgent problems of our time:

1. Science – creating a project to unite young people from different countries in the field of science.

2. Foreign students – creating a project that will help foreign students adapt to the Russian-speaking environment.

3. Education – creation of a project aimed at solving global problems of modern education.

4. Journalism – creation of a project aimed at the development of modern journalism.

5. Country clubs (only for members of country clubs) – the answer to the question "What contribution could you make to the development of the MSU country club?" in free form and only in the language of the club that the participant is a member of.

-  To participate, you must register and fill out a questionnaire on the Lomonosov portal by 23:59 (Moscow time) on October 7 at the link: 

-  All detailed information will be published in the official groups of social networks and 

-  If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail: