The Department for Talented Youth Affairs

International Young Scientists Union

International Young Scientists Union

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The idea of creating the International Young Scientists Union was first announced by Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University Academician Victor A. Sadovnichy at the XIX World Festival of Youth and Students in 2017 in Sochi. Students and young scientists were very enthusiastic about this idea. On 25 January 2018 (the Day of Russian Students) President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin supported the initiative during the teleconference with students from leading universities!

The idea of creating an International Young Scientists Union found further expression at the International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov-2018". During its work, the concepts of future activities were developed, in which it is planned to involve young scientists from all continents. Representatives of more than 20 countries participated in the discussion: Russia, Egypt, Australia, Mexico, India, Belarus, Italy, Czech Republic, China, Brazil, Uganda, etc.

The International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Lomonosov" is a unique platform for communication between scientists of different countries. It serves as a major impetus for the creation of such a Union. Only by working together, the scientific community can move closer towards achieving global problems of mankind.

In support of international scientific cooperation, students and young scientists of MSU have created a Youth Research Platform which allows developing scientific cooperation regardless of the distance between participants. The first platform projects were created in the field of virtual reality, blockchain, 3D modeling and processing of big data. The team of the Youth Research Platform of MSU "Coffee Break" won the Imagine Cup Russia 2018 with the project on a chemometric analysis of coffee and wine.